15 Ergebnisse für: flybys
Mysteriöse Flybys: Anomale Anomalie - Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Nahe Erdvorbeiflüge verliehen Raumsonden eine rätselhafte Beschleunigung und regten damit die Fantasie vieler Physiker an. Womöglich ist die Ursache aber ...
Churyumov-Gerasimenko tour performing 42 low deltaV asteroid flybys returning to Earth - YouTube
This low thrust tour designed by the University of Jena visits the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The spaceship performs 19 low deltaV asteroid flybys before i...
Combinatorial Space Trajectories Bricks
Space Trajectories, Optimization, multi-target
Gunter's Space Page - Information on Launch vehicles, Satellites, Space Shuttle and Astronautics
Gunter's Space Page - Information on Launch vehicles, Satellites, Space Shuttle and Astronautics
Eurofighter Typhoon Evening Display at Airbourne [HD] - YouTube
http://www.planestv.com The Typhoon was to opening act of the first ever full Evening Display at Airbourne 2009.
Jurgis Kairys kobra cobra !!! kłobra :D - YouTube
Chce mieć takiego dziadka!
A 200-knot microlight (great candidate for an RC model plane) - YouTube
This is Craig's Impulse microlight (that's ultralight in the USA) composite full-sized airplane. It's fast and it's pretty and it's cheap to run. This was fi...
Exploring the Surface of Titan with Cassini-Huygens - YouTube
For More Webcasts: http://www.nasm.si.edu/webcasts/archive.cfm?siref=YouTube&video=exploringthesurfaceoftitan Exploring the Surface of Titan with Cassini-Huy...
Deep Space Flight and Communications: Exploiting the Sun as a Gravitational Lens - Claudio Maccone - Google Books
The majority of books dealing with prospects for interstellar flight tackle the problem of the propulsion systems that will be needed to send a craft on an interstellar trajectory. The proposed book looks at two other, equally important aspects of such…