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Flexibilität605 Ergebnisse für: flexibility
Improve operational flexibility. Control performance dynamics with an experienced technology partner.
Norway’s New OPVs: Flexibility, Power, Efficiency – Opportunity?
Norwegian EEZ Guest Article by Endre Lunde For most countries, coast guard duties consist of inshore search and rescue, security patrols and environmental protection, and are performed by smaller vessels, Many are even operated by civilian agencies.…
About the Group
The history of the privately owned Deutsche Afrika-Linien/John T. Essberger Group of Companies dates back to the year 1924 when the former Imperial Navy Officer, Commander John Theodor Essberger (1886-1959), established himself as a tanker shipowner in…
Audio-, Web- und Videokonferenzen für Unternehmen | Arkadin Deutschland
Arkadin bietet Audio-, Web- und Videokonferenz & Unified Communications Lösungen, die Ihren Bedürfnissen entsprechen.
The Challenge of Change: Dealing with the Legacy of the Modern Movement - Google Books
Addresses the tensions between change and continuity from a historical-theoretical perspective. This book focuses on the larger scale of city and landscape. It draws attention to the scale of the building or building complex, and questions limits of re-use…
Revision von Built-in Stability vom Do., 03.01.2013 - 16:07 • Definition | Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon
Lexikon Online ᐅRevision von Built-in Stability vom Do., 03.01.2013 - 16:07: automatische Stabilisierung; Begriff der Finanzwissenschaft im Bereich der Fiskalpolitik. Automatisch mit dem Konjunkturverlauf variierende Positionen auf der Einnahmen- oder…
Cirrus Logic Audio Card | element14
Besuchen Sie die Gruppe 'Cirrus Logic Audio Card' auf The WolfsonAudio Card produced in partnership with Wolfson, the premier audio solutions chip company, offers Raspberry Pi users similar flexibility to a PC soundcard to capture audio…
TSO/E CLIST: The Complete Tutorial and Desk Reference - Charles H. Rider - Google Books
The IBM command procedure language--CLIST--is rich in capabilities, flexibility, and features. This book shows how to develop and use CLISTs. This invaluable tool will turn new programmers into CLIST masters and serve as a ready reference manual for…