490 Ergebnisse für: fascist
Rezension zu: C. Iordachi (Hrsg.): Comparative Fascist Studies | H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften | Geschichte im Netz | History in the web
Rezension zu / Review of: Iordachi, Constantin: Comparative Fascist Studies. New Perspectives
Antifainfo.de - Ihr Antifainfo Shop
Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 457min, Schöppner, Horst: Antifa heißt Angriff (Taschenbuch), Wut Im Bauch, Trauer Im Herzen Feine Sahne Fischfilet auf CD, A Kind of Magic , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 604min, Spassguerilla,
ZDB-Katalog - Suchergebnisseite: iss="2211-6249"
ZDB Zeitschriftendatenbank
Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1933–40 - N. Arielli - Google Books
An examination of why and how Fascist Italy sought to increase its influence in the Middle East, and why Italian efforts ultimately failed. Offering fresh insights into Fascist Italy's foreign and colonial policies, this book makes an important…
Fascism: The 'fascist epoch' - Google Books
The nature of 'fascism' has been hotly contested by scholars since the term was first coined by Mussolini in 1919. However, for the first time since Italian fascism appeared there is now a significant degree of consensus amongst scholars about how to…
Saved by The Bay: The Intellectual Migration from Fascist Europe to UC Berkeley - YouTube
A video accompanying the exhibition, "Saved by The Bay: The Intellectual Migration from Fascist Europe to UC Berkeley" (The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art a...
JFK warning Americans about communist - fascist inflitrators The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherent...
Daniel Puente Encina - YouTube
Daniel Puente Encina, singer-songwriter and guitarist, born in Santiago de Chile, is known for creating a wide variety of musical projects as anti-fascist ba...
Japan in the Fascist Era - Google Books
In contrast to Euro-centric works on comparative fascism that set Japan apart from Germany and Italy, this book emphasizes parallels between Japan and its Axis Allies. Romantic nationalist ideologies attracted a strong following in all three nations as…
The Fascist Experience in Italy - John Francis Pollard - Google Books
This source book examines the development of Italian Fascism, and surveys the themes and issues of the movement. It spans from the emergence of the united Italian state in the nineteenth century, to the post-war aftermath of fascism. It provides: *…