135 Ergebnisse für: fī
aš-Šaiẖ Muḥammad Fāḍil b. aš-Šaiẖ Māmīn: Taʾlīf fī l-ankiḥa (Aġšūrgīt, Muḥammad Ǧiddū b. Mubārak al-Iǧaiǧbī) (Institut Mauritanien de Recherche Scientifique, MF Mau 2080) - Oriental Manuscript Resource (OMAR)
Taʾlīf fī l-ankiḥa
aš-Šaiẖ Muḥammad Fāḍil al-Qalqamī: [Nuqla fī l-kalām ʿalā kalimat aš-šahāda] (Tīšīt, Maktabat Ahl Aḥmad aṡ-Ṣaġīr) (Institut Mauritanien de Recherche Scientifique, MF Mau 433) - Oriental Manuscript Resource (OMAR)
[Nuqla fī l-kalām ʿalā kalimat aš-šahāda]
aš-Šaiẖ at-Turād b. al-ʿAbbās: aḍ-Ḍiyāʾ al-mustabīn fī karāmāt aš-Šaiẖ Muḥammad Fāḍil b. aš-Šaiẖ Muḥammad al-Amīn (Agwenīt, Ahl aš-Šaiẖ at-Turād b. al-ʿAbbās, 19. Januar 1974) (Institut Mauritanien de Recherche Scientifique, MF Mau 1244) - Oriental Manuscript Resource (OMAR)
aḍ-Ḍiyāʾ al-mustabīn fī karāmāt aš-Šaiẖ Muḥammad Fāḍil b. aš-Šaiẖ Muḥammad al-Amīn
ʿAlam al-ǧaḏal fī ʿilm al-ǧada - Titel - SSG Vorderer Orient digital - MENAdoc-Sammlung
SSG Vorderer Orient digital. ʿAlam al-ǧaḏal fī ʿilm al-ǧadal / Ṭūfī, Sulaimān Ibn-ʿAbd-al-Qawī aṭ- ; Heinrichs, Wolfhart. Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1987
ZDB-Katalog - Suchergebnisseite: iss="0375-2984"
ZDB Zeitschriftendatenbank
Kitāb Aḥsan at-taqāsīm fī maʿr - Titel - SSG Vorderer Orient digital - MENAdoc-Sammlung
SSG Vorderer Orient digital. Kitāb Aḥsan at-taqāsīm fī maʿrifat al-aqālīm / Muqaddasī, Muḥammad Ibn-Aḥmad al- ; Goeje, Michael Jan de. Laidan : Brīl, 1906
Kitābaṣ- Ṣila fī taʾrīḫ aʾimma - Titel - SSG Vorderer Orient digital - MENAdoc-Sammlung
SSG Vorderer Orient digital. Kitāb/aṣ- Ṣila fī taʾrīḫ aʾimmat al-Andalus wa-ʿulamāʾihim wa-muḥaddiṯīhim wa-fuqahāʾihim wa-udabāʾihim / Ibn-Baškuwāl, Ḫalaf Ibn-ʿAbd-al-Malik ; Codera y Zaidín, Francisco (Hrsg.). Maǧrīṭ : Rūḫas, 1882 (1883)
166 [112] - [Kapitel] - Seite - SSG Vorderer Orient digital - MENAdoc-Sammlung
SSG Vorderer Orient digital. al- Bayān al-muġrib fī aḫbār al-maġrib. Histoire de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne, intitulée Al-Bayano ʾL-Moghrib par ... et fragmens de la chronique d'Arib. Le [...] / Vol. 2 / Ibn-ʿIḏārī al-Marrākušī ; Dozy, Reinhart Pieter Anne.…
Mysticism and Politics: A Critical Reading of Fī Ẓilāl Al-Qurʼān by Sayyid ... - Olivier Carré - Google Books
This volume deals with Sayyid Qu?b's commentary, compared to 'Abduh's and Ri 's 'Tafs?r al-Man?r', discussing his method of reading the Qur'?n, elements of his dogmatic theology, of his faith and spirituality and of the Muslim practices.The book then…
Al-Damurdashi's Chronicle of Egypt, 1688-1755: Al-Durra Al-muṣāna Fī Akhbār ... - Ahmad D. Damurdashi, ʻAbd al-Wahhāb Bakr Muḥammad - Google Books
This chronicle, allegedly composed by an officer of the 'Azab regiment in Cairo, surveys the conflicts between the two major mamluk factions, the Faqariya and the Qasimiya, and their struggles with the Ottoman governors and the Ojaqs to control Egypt's…