654 Ergebnisse für: ewan
Illuminati | TV | Film | critic.de
TV-Termine von Illuminati. Regie: Ron Howard. Mit Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor.
OFDb - Star Wars: Episode I - Die dunkle Bedrohung (1999)
Von George Lucas. Mit Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Ian McDiarmid und Pernilla August.
OFDb - Mortdecai - Der Teilzeitgauner (2015)
Von David Koepp. Mit Johnny Depp, Olivia Munn, Ewan McGregor, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Goldblum und Paul Bettany.
Ewan McAndrew auf Twitter: "With Wikidata you can query the non-politician jobs UK MPs have ever had too. 157 cricketers! #GE2017 Link to query: https://t.co/pDzaUQE2RP… https://t.co/6iRUDynch5"
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Ewan McAndrew auf Twitter: "Made a start on plotting places of residence of accused Scottish witches with manual editing from our workshop participants. #WikiWicca https://t.co/H9Z7eZo6MG… https://t.co/G4F9gup8XN"
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Ewan McAndrew auf Twitter: "Map of places of residence for accused witches with a layer for occupations https://t.co/EBXxoIzsEN Next stop: manner of death, cause of death, temporal data (trial dates), ethnic groups, penalties arising from trials and much much more #OpenData #LinkedData #Wikidata #Witchydata… https://t.co/QyJmUX9AI6"
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OFDb - High Speed Money - Die Nick Leeson Story (1999)
Von James Dearden. Mit Ewan McGregor, Anna Friel, Yves Beneyton, Betsy Brantley, Caroline Langrishe und Nigel Lindsay.
Ewan McAndrew auf Twitter: "Excitingly Wikidata has a NEW property for IIIF manifest url as of this week. (a JSON-LD formatted document URL ref described by IIIF Presentation API) The Wikidata community has ALREADY added 42,000+ IIIF manifest urls. See some IIIF pics of kisses here: https://t.co/hMgYp9FY2M… https://t.co/aBIt6LzW9b"
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