28 Ergebnisse für: essene
NEUE ARBEIT der Diakonie Essen gGmbH : Testseite (Accordion)
Neue Arbeit der Diakonie Essene - Arbeitshilfe und Berufsförderung
Bread – Wikimedia Commons
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Wappenbuch des Westfälischen Adels (Buch 2)/Tafel 118 – GenWiki
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Jesus and Archaeology - Google Books
Archaeology still has many things to reveal about the life and world of Jesus of Nazareth. To touch a two-thousand-year-old pot held by a Jew who lived in a small village frequented by Jesus can bring us closer to understanding those who were touched by…
Wealth in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Qumran Community - Catherine M. Murphy - Google Books
This volume is concerned with exploring sectarian attitudes toward wealth and the economic practices that gave rise to and issued from those attitudes. An introductory chapter establishes the state of the question. Three subsequent chapters focus on major…
The Book of Acts Ain Its Palestinian Setting - Google Books
The Book of Acts in Its Palestinian Setting is devoted to a series of studies of those parts of the narrative of Acts that are specifically set in Palestine. The geographical, political, cultural, social, and religious aspects of first-century Jewish…
The Wisdom Texts from Qumran and the Development of Sapiential Thought - Google Books
This volume comprises the lectures delivered at a conference on the sapiential texts from Qumran hosted by A. Lange and H. Lichtenberger in Tubingen (1998) as well as a number of additional contributions. This literature, although found in the Qumran…
James the Brother of Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Historical James ... - Robert Eisenman - Google Books
In this new series of books: James the Brother of Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls I, renowned biblical scholar Robert Eisenman revisits the subject of James the brother of Jesus connecting him even more effectively, not only to the Leadership of Early…