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Embedded290 Ergebnisse für: embodied
Embodied Conversational Agents - Google Books
This book describes research in all aspects of the design, implementation, and evaluation of embodied conversational agents as well as details of specific working systems. Embodied conversational agents are computer-generated cartoonlike characters that…
Symbiose zwischen Mensch und Maschine | c't Magazin
In Karlsruhe trafen sich Anfang Mai rund 2000 Robotikexperten zur „International Conference on Robotics and Automation“. Die seit 1984 jährlich abgehaltene ICRA gilt als eine der wichtigsten Veranstaltungen im Bereich der Robotik weltweit. Im Mittelpunkt…
Malte Brinkmann: Embodied Understanding in Pedagogical Contexts (19 September 2017) - YouTube
Presentation by Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann (Humboldt University of Berlin) on Embodied Understanding, held on the 4th International Symposion on Phenomenologi...
Kudzanai Chiurai | Contemporary And
Kudzanai Chiurai (Simbabwe, 1981) lebt und arbeitet in Südafrika. Er studierte Kunst an der University of Pretoria und wird zur „Born Free“ ...
Aleksandra Mikulska - YouTube
Sensitivity, musical expressivity and immaculate, transparent technique: these qualities once called for by Frédéric Chopin are embodied in the highest degre...
The philosophy of government surveillance | Judith Simon | TEDxZurich - YouTube
Things, artefacts and infrastructures have always influenced our behaviour as humans. Think of speedbumps as embodied forms of speed regulations or doors whi...
The UNESCO General and Regional Histories: A Contribution to the Rapprochement of Cultures - YouTube
URL: A 10 minute film to illustrate the extraordinary intellectual adventure embodied in the elaboration of the Ge...
Pat O'Callaghan Wins An Emotion Irish Hammer Throw Gold - Amsterdam 1928 Olympics - YouTube
Irish rugby player Pat O'Callaghan embodied the amateur, self-starting spirit which led to hammer success in the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam. Relive his ...
Embodied Resistance: Challenging the Norms, Breaking the Rules - Google Books,+Breaking+the+Rul
Embodied Resistance engages the rich and complex range of society's contemporary "body outlaws"--people from many social locations who violate norms about the private, the repellent, or the forbidden. This collection ventures beyond the conventional focus…
Otobong Nkanga | Contemporary And
Artiste visuelle et performeuse, Otobong Nkanga est née en 1974 à Kano, au Nigéria. Elle vit et travaille entre Paris ...