489 Ergebnisse für: elites
The Anthropology of Elites: Power, Culture, and the Complexities of Distinction - Google Books
Offering insightful anthropological-historical contributions to the understanding of elites worldwide, this book helps us grasp their ways of life and role in times of contested global inequalities. Case studies include the Polish gentry, the white former…
HSR: 43.4 - Challenged Elites - Elites as Challengers
GESIS Leibniz Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Les Elites sénégalaises - Ediafric, La Documentation africaine (Firm) - Google Books
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Les Elites sénégalaises - Ediafric, La Documentation africaine (Firm) - Google Books
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Rezension zu: N. Fisher u.a. (Hrsg.): 'Aristocracy' in Antiquity | H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften | Geschichte im Netz | History in the web
Rezension zu / Review of: Fisher, Nick; Wees, Hans van: 'Aristocracy' in Antiquity. Redefining Greek and Roman Elites
Eurozone Politics: Perception and reality in Italy, the UK, and Germany - Philip Giurlando - Google Books
The crisis of the Eurozone has had a significant impact on the politics of Europe. In many countries, the euro was largely interpreted by elites as a development that would ameliorate their nations’ problems. However, recent events have proven the…
SEHEPUNKTE - Rezension von: Sulla, the Elites and the Empire - Ausgabe 9 (2009), Nr. 10
Rezension über Federico Santangelo: Sulla, the Elites and the Empire. A Study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East (= Impact of Empire; Vol. 8), Leiden / Boston: Brill 2007, xix + 300 S., ISBN 978-90-04-16386-7, EUR 99,00
State Formation in Korea: Emerging Elites - Gina Barnes - Google Books
This volume brings together for the first time a significant body of Professor Barnes' scholarly writing on early Korean state formation, integrated so that successive topics form a coherent overview of the problems and solutions in peninsular state…
Ruling Elites of Rajasthan: A Changing Profile - C. L. Sharma - Google Books
The book is based on a fact-finding research work on the ex-rulers and ex-jagirdars in Rajasthan, how they have socially and politically adjusted after their status withdrawal in the post-independent era.
Mandela's Kinsmen: Nationalist Elites & Apartheid's First Bantustan - Timothy Gibbs - Google Books
Mandela's Kinsmen is the first study of the fraught relationships between the ANC leadership and their relatives who ruled apartheid's foremost "tribal" Bantustan, the Transkei. In the early 20th century, the chieftaincies had often been well-springs of…