5 Ergebnisse für: decay_
Review: State of Decay
My initial impression of Undead Labs' State of Decay was not exactly forgiving. Significant screen-tearing, a choppy frame rate, an intro that places me directly into button mashing combat without context, the game's lurch of a start prepar...
| Berlinale | Archiv | Jahresarchive | 2019 | Programm - Schönheit & Vergänglichkeit | Beauty and Decay
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin - Offizielle Website
Nachtmystium Interview - DEAF SPARROW Zine
State of Decay Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Im Wiki zu State of Decay, dem Zombie-Survival Spiel für die Xbox 360 und den PC, sammeln wir Informationen zu Waffen, Fahrzeugen, Missionen, Charakteren und vielem mehr. Jeder kann mitmachen!
Review: State of Decay 2
Let me introduce you to The Refugees. They're a hardy bunch, ten survivors who banded together in an abandoned strip mall. Every member of their post-apocalyptic community brings a little something different to the table. Oscar, or Grouch a...