18 Ergebnisse für: dallek
Robert Dallek - 1 Buch - Perlentaucher
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Ronald Reagan: The Politics of Symbolism : with a New Preface - Robert Dallek - Google Books
Few American politicians have enjoyed greater popularity than Ronald Reagan. Humor, charm, good looks, an intuitive feel for national concerns, and an extraordinary ability to speak persuasively to millions of people were major assets. But his fundamental…
OGND - results/titledata
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Lyndon B. Johnson: Portrait of a President - Robert Dallek - Google Books
Robert Dallek's brilliant two-volume biography of Lyndon Johnson has received an avalanche of praise. Michael Beschloss, in The Los Angeles Times, said that it "succeeds brilliantly." The New York Times called it "rock solid" and The Washington Post hailed…
Inside Campaigns: Elections through the Eyes of Political Professionals - William J. Feltus, Kenneth M. Goldstein, Matthew Dallek - Google Books
Inside Campaigns: Elections Through the Eyes of Political Professionals offers readers a detailed, thoroughly researched examination of U.S. political campaigns. Through the eyes of more than 100 campaign managers and political professionals, it takes a…
Inside Campaigns: Elections through the Eyes of Political Professionals - William J. Feltus, Kenneth M. Goldstein, Matthew Dallek - Google Books
Inside Campaigns: Elections Through the Eyes of Political Professionals offers readers a detailed, thoroughly researched examination of U.S. political campaigns. Through the eyes of more than 100 campaign managers and political professionals, it takes a…
Philip Marchand: Marshall McLuhan. Botschafter der Medien. Biografie - Perlentaucher
Die einen sahen in ihm das Orakel des elektronischen Zeitalters; andere taten ihn als Scharlatan ab; mit schöner Regelmäßigkeit jedoch werden viele seiner Voraussagen wahr....
Sievertsche Ziegeleitongrube Hummelsbüttel - hamburg.de
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Krankenakte Kennedy - Sex, Lügen und Osteoporose - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Als kraftstrotzender Polit-Messias trat John F. Kennedy 1961 das Amt des US-Präsidenten an. Dass der Hoffnungsträger in Wahrheit von schweren Gebrechen geplagt war, wurde lange geheim gehalten. Eine SPIEGEL-TV-Dokumentation widmet sich nun Kennedys…
Camelot.co.de - Ihr Camelot Shop
Camelot - Verbotene Liebe, Die Legende von Camelot. Sonderausgabe, Smartgames Camelot Junior, Camelot, Das Schwert von Camelot,