460 Ergebnisse für: czar
Newsdetail - Semperoper Dresden
Die Nachricht vom Tod der Opernsängerin, der Chefsouffleuse und Maestra Suggeretrice und der verdienstvollen Vorsitzenden des Personalrates der Sächsischen Staatsoper Gabriele Auenmüller hat uns alle sehr getroffen.
Frederick the Great: A Military Life - Christopher Duffy - Google Books
Traces the life of the Russian Czar, focusing on his accomplishments as a military leader
Zhou Yongkang: 9 Things You Must Know | China Uncensored - YouTube
It's official! Chinese media have announced that former Chinese security czar Zhou Yongkang is under investigation for "serious disciplinary violations." Thi...
Ayse Sezgin - Mit Optimismus in ein Land voller Skepsis - Wiener Zeitung Online
(czar) Für ihr Land bringt Ayse Sezgin viel Optimismus auf: Noch bevor sie in Pension gehe, werde ihre Heimat Mitglied der Europäischen Union sein...
Ivan Vasilievich Changes Professions with english subtitles - YouTube
An eccentric comedy based on M. Bulgakov’s play “Ivan Vassilevich” about a time machine, which helps czar Ivan the Terrible get into the XXth century, and a ...
Shura Cherkassky: The Piano's Last Czar - Elizabeth Carr - Google Books
Shura Cherkassky's life story, like his piano playing, is provocative and captivating. At his death in 1995, Cherkassky was considered one of history's greatest pianists, as well as the last direct link to the Romantic piano tradition of Chopin, Liszt, and…
Verne, Jules, Romane, Der Courier des Czar - Zeno.org
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Hämorrhoidalkolik + Peter - Google-Suche
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Ivan the Terrible - Robert Payne, Nikita Romanoff - Google Books
Czar Ivan IV (1530-1584), the first Russian ruler to take the title czar, is known as one of the worst tyrants in history, but few people among the general public know how he got such an infamous reputation. Relying on extensive research based heavily on…
NorCal Tennis Czar: Cancer survivor named WTA Comeback Player of Year
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