12 Ergebnisse für: cv90
Category:Splittertarn – Wikimedia Commons
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Category:Landkreis Stendal – Wikimedia Commons
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Land Panther: Germany’s Tracked Puma IFV
Germany has always been known for producing excellent armored vehicles. A combination of features that arguably make it the world's best tank, and fire sale prices stemming from Germany's rapid disarmament, have made the Leopard 2 the standard
Estland erhält erste Panzer aus den Niederlanden
Estland hat im Zuge eines Rüstungsgeschäfts mit den Niederlanden die ersten Panzer des Typs CV 9035NL erhalten. Die zwölf Fahrzeuge seien am Freitag auf
Ukraine-Krise: Baltische Staaten rüsten auf | ZEIT ONLINE
Litauen, Lettland und Estland haben die verstärkten Militäraktivitäten Russlands im Ostsee-Raum scharf kritisiert. Auf Furcht vor einer Invasion reagieren sie nun.
Bundesheer - TRUPPENDIENST - Ausgabe 4/2006 - Heroes of Telemark
Webauftritt des Österreichischen Bundesheeres
Fear factor: As Russia looms large, Baltics up military capacity
After years of sluggish defense spending, the Baltic States have intensified their military acquisition efforts following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.
Fear factor: As Russia looms large, Baltics up military capacity
After years of sluggish defense spending, the Baltic States have intensified their military acquisition efforts following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.
Fear factor: As Russia looms large, Baltics up military capacity
After years of sluggish defense spending, the Baltic States have intensified their military acquisition efforts following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.
Fear factor: As Russia looms large, Baltics up military capacity
After years of sluggish defense spending, the Baltic States have intensified their military acquisition efforts following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.