11 Ergebnisse für: cplai
Hydrogen Fuel Cell electric bike - YouTube
clean vehicle For more products info, visit http://www.intelligent-energy.com and read the latest news about this ENV bike. Google the term "Bloom Energy" to...
Earthace - YouTube
A special ocean going vessel that cross between a boat and a submarine. On Jan 6, 2010, the boat was badly damaged (destroyed?) after a Japanese whaling ship...
Zoropsis spinimana, SPIDER - YouTube
i found a huge spider in my house. here it is.
Congratulations, it's a boy! - YouTube
Ampulex compressa emerges from its cockroach host. Courtesy of Fred Liebersat, Ben Gurion University. For more information, see my blog: http://blogs.discove...
Wrightspeed X1 Electric Car beats Ferrari and Porsche - YouTube
Wrightspeed X1 electric car beats Ferrari 360 Spider and a Porsche Carrera GT and costs half as much.
Ants of Cambodia 7 - YouTube
Ants hauling off a millipede... Shot while on a Bees Unlimited 'Angkor Nature Tour', 25 Aug 2014... Siem Reap, Cambodia.
narcissus fly Merodon equestris - YouTube
sound of 'flying' Narcissus fly this is the distinct whine of the large Narcissus fly Merodon equestris. It lays its eggs on members of the Amaryllidaceae fa...
Peacock Spider 2 (Maratus tasmanicus) - YouTube
Courtship display and mating in Maratus tasmanicus, a species that lives in Tasmania and southern Victoria. Music by Delicate Beats, Olive Musique and Emmett...
Wespennest aufgegraben - wer war es? - YouTube
Vespula vulgaris - Gemeine Wespe Als Räuber kommen Dachs und Wespenbussard in Betracht. Der Dachs zerbeisst die Waben, da das leckere ja die Larven darin sin...
Gulper Eel Balloons Its Massive Jaws | Nautilus Live - YouTube
Big gulp! The Nautilus team spotted a gulper eel (Eurypharynx pelecanoides) doing just that in Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Its pouch-like mou...