3 Ergebnisse für: conari
Stressed Is Desserts Spelled Backward: Rising Above Life's Problems with ... - Brian Luke Seaward - Google Books
Author, Brian Seaward's grandmother never got tired of reminding her grandson that Stressed is really just desserts spelled backwards. In this text, he aims to uplift and instruct the reader to view stress as a powerful teaching tool.
Melber, Johannes; Eichmann, Jodocus [Hrsg.]: Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus [lat.u.dt.] ([Reutlingen: Greyff], [1479-1482])
Melber, Johannes; Eichmann, Jodocus [Hrsg.]: Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus [lat.u.dt.]; Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt (tudigit@ulb.tu-darmstadt.de)
Mildred Didrikson Zaharias
Biografie von Mildred Didrikson Zaharias (1911-1956), amerikanische Allround-Leichtathletin (Hürden, Hochsprung, Speerwurf, Golf)