367 Ergebnisse für: cives
Dissertatio Inauguralis, De Iure Securitatis, Tum Inter Cives, Tum Inter Gentes
Dissertatio Inauguralis, De Iure Securitatis, Tum Inter Cives, Tum Inter Gentes
Inter Cives Necnon Peregrinos - Google Books
The contributions to this volume are concerned with the Roman law of antiquity in its broadest sense, covering both private and public law from the Roman Republic to the Byzantine era, including legal papyrology. They also examine the reception of Roman…
Inter Cives Necnon Peregrinos - Google Books
The contributions to this volume are concerned with the Roman law of antiquity in its broadest sense, covering both private and public law from the Roman Republic to the Byzantine era, including legal papyrology. They also examine the reception of Roman…
Inter Cives Necnon Peregrinos - Google Books
The contributions to this volume are concerned with the Roman law of antiquity in its broadest sense, covering both private and public law from the Roman Republic to the Byzantine era, including legal papyrology. They also examine the reception of Roman…
ZB Zürich / Argo Tigurina
ZB Zürich (NEBIS). Gwalther, Rudolf: Argo Tigurina : elegia de navi, qua delecti cives Tigurini unius diei spatio ex Tiguro Argentinam vecti sunt, raro admodum tam expeditae & felicis navigationis exempl [...]. Tiguri : excudebat Christoph. Froschoverus,…
Guide: Edutainment/Reenactment/Römergruppen @ Archäologie Online
Das Archäologische Internetverzeichnis: Römergruppen
Academiae Rector et Senatus Orationem viri humanissimi Guilielmi Friderici Valentiner Kiliensis, Theol. et Philol. Stud. e legitima conditione Legati Richardiani nuper a se percepti d. XVIII Sept. ...publice recitandam indicunt ad eamque benevole audiendam cives academiae ... invitant - UB Kiel digital
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MDZ-Reader | Band | An cives religionis causa emigraturi queant transplantari? / Engau, Johann Rudolph | An cives religionis causa emigraturi queant transplantari? / Engau, Johann Rudolph
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RosDok ist der Dokumentenserver der Digitalen Bibliothek der Universität Rostock. Er ist einerseits Dissertations- und Publikationsserver für hochschuleigenr Schriften und präsentiert andererseits historische Sammlungen oder Handschriften und Alte Drucke.
"Forschungsnetzwerk Makroökonomie und Makropolitik" - Google-Suche
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