14 Ergebnisse für: cascaded

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    Der Digital Up Converter (DUC) ist das Gegenstück zum Digital Down Converter (DDC). Er setzt ein digitales Basisbandsignal in ein höherfrequentes Zwischenfrequenzsignal um. Die Frequenzumsetzung erfolgt in einem Mischer zusätzlich zur Anpassung…

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    In this action-packed account appearing for the first time in English Franz Kurowski straps readers into the harness with German paratroopers, the elite Fallschirmjager, as they jump into the inferno of combat in World War II. When the war erupted,…

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    Entdecken Sie Marco Kaufmann von Marco Kaufmann bei Blurb. German painter Marco Kaufmann, exhibited a series of new paintings in 2012 that marked a new stage in ...

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    Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 3, Yves Saint Laurent Herrendüfte La Nuit De L'Homme Eau Électrique Eau de Toilette Spray 60 ml, Supraleitung, CMOS Digitally Programmable Lock-In Amplifier for Bio Applications, Optical Tweezers: Principles and…

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    inference : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz)

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    The Official Website of Nightwish

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    Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American original-a luminous literary theorist, an erratic genius, and an analyst par excellence of human obsession and compulsion. The scope of his literary achievements and the dramatic character of Poe's life have…

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