29 Ergebnisse für: capriate

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    La facciata è contrassegnata dall'aggetto delle falde del tetto a capanna e da un portico con archi, a sesto ribassato, poggianti su pilastri di mattoni a sezione quadrata. L'aula è a navata unica e abside con copertura a spicchi scanditi da travi a vista.…

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    L'edificio ha volumetria e facciata nello stile delle chiese suburbane dell'agro romano. Il fronte, con il campanile allineato sulla sinistra, è caratterizzato dalla scalinata che da accesso al portico con arco centrale. L'interno è ad aula unica e abside,…

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    European Route of Industrial Heritage, the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe

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    European Route of Industrial Heritage, the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe

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    European Route of Industrial Heritage, the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe

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    European Route of Industrial Heritage, the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe

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    European Route of Industrial Heritage, the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe

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    European Route of Industrial Heritage, the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe

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    European Route of Industrial Heritage, the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe

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    European Route of Industrial Heritage, the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe

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