12 Ergebnisse für: bogost
Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System - Nick Montfort, Ian Bogost - Google Books
A study of the relationship between platform and creative expression in the Atari VCS.The Atari Video Computer System dominated the home video game market so completely that “Atari” became the generic term for a video game console. The Atari VCS was…
Alphabet: Google sagt, was böse ist | ZEIT ONLINE
Googles neuer Mutterkonzern Alphabet kehrt vom Motto "Don't Be Evil" ab. Wird Google nun böse? Nein, denn der Spruch wurde ohnehin schon immer falsch verstanden.
Game Studies - Google Books
Das Lehrbuch bietet einen zugänglichen und umfassenden Überblick über die grundlegenden Ansätze der interdisziplinär ausgerichteten Game Studies. Durch die übersichtliche Einteilung in die Themenbereiche Spiele, Schnittstellen und Spieler empfiehlt es sich…
Patterns in Game Design - Staffan Bjork, Jussi Holopainen - Google Books
Patterns in Game Design provides professional and aspiring game designers with a collection of practical design choices that are possible in all types of games. These choices, called patterns, are used to illustrate the varying types of gameplay found in…
Patterns in Game Design - Staffan Bjork, Jussi Holopainen - Google Books
Patterns in Game Design provides professional and aspiring game designers with a collection of practical design choices that are possible in all types of games. These choices, called patterns, are used to illustrate the varying types of gameplay found in…
Patterns in Game Design - Staffan Bjork, Jussi Holopainen - Google Books
Patterns in Game Design provides professional and aspiring game designers with a collection of practical design choices that are possible in all types of games. These choices, called patterns, are used to illustrate the varying types of gameplay found in…
Game Bytes: Gaming for Columbine - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Ein Computerspiel, das das Highschool-Massaker in Littleton im Jahr 1999 nachzeichnet, sorgt in den USA für Empörung. Ein seit der Tat gelähmtes Opfer findet dagegen, das Spiel "könne sogar hilfreich sein". Doch die Spiele werden ihr mieses…
Equal.co.de - Ihr Equal Shop
Until Equal JUNIQE Kissenhülle, Until Equal Duschvorhang, Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value als eBook Download von Michael Rubenstein, equal start? als eBook Download von, A Marriage of Equals (eBook, ePUB),
Space Time Play: Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism: The Next Level - Google Books
Computer and video games are leaving the PC and conquering the arena of everyday life in the form of mobile applications (such as GPS cell phones, etc.) – the result is new types of cities and architecture. How do these games alter our perception of real…
Space Time Play: Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism: The Next Level - Google Books
Computer and video games are leaving the PC and conquering the arena of everyday life in the form of mobile applications (such as GPS cell phones, etc.) – the result is new types of cities and architecture. How do these games alter our perception of real…