25 Ergebnisse für: bilayer
Handbook of Lipid Bilayers, Second Edition - Derek Marsh - Google Books
Now in its second edition, the Handbook of Lipid Bilayers is a groundbreaking work that remains the field’s definitive text and only comprehensive source for primary physicochemical data relating to phospholipid bilayers. Along with basic thermodynamic…
Category:OLED – Wikimedia Commons
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The Core of Japanese Democracy: Latent Interparty Politics - Y. Kuroda - Google Books
This book seeks to explain how politics actually operates in the Japanese Diet using the author's bilayer theory or dual power structure theory. It is about how politics in Japan operates behind closed doors and how laws are actually made in the Diet.…
Misbehaving Proteins: Protein (Mis)Folding, Aggregation, and Stability - Google Books
Misfoldedaggregatedproteinoncewasconsideredasinterestingasyesterday’strash—a bothersome by-product of important and productive activities, to be disposed of and forgotten as quickly as possible. Yesterday’s trash has become today’s focus of cons- erable…
Bi.co.de - Ihr Bi Shop
Trotec Wallscanner Bi15, Otur Bi Konuscaz, walimex Flächenleuchte »pro Soft LED 520 Brightlight Bi Color«, walimex Videoleuchte »pro LED-Videoleuchte Bi-Color mit 144 LED v2«, Lesebrille Sunrise Bi,
Amphiphil - RÖMPP, Thieme
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Scotopsin - Google-Suche
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Matrixassoziierte Stammzelltransplantation (MAST) bzw. Autologe Matrixinduzierte Chondrogenese mit Peripherem Blutkonzentrat (AMIC+PBC) | Krankenhaus Rummelsberg
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Studium – Leibniz Universität Hannover
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