45 Ergebnisse für: baticha
Ägyptischer Fußball-Star Mohamed Salah: "Walk like an Egyptian" - Qantara.de
Wenige Wochen vor Beginn der Fußball-WM ist in Ägypten eine regelrechte Manie ausgebrochen. Der Grund ist der Liverpool-Stürmer Mohamed Salah, der gegenwärtig als weltbester Fußballer gehandelt wird. Ein Porträt des Ausnahmespielers von Bachir Amroune
Gewalt in der arabischen Welt: Vom barbarischen Staat zur barbarischen Gesellschaft - Qantara.de
Der syrische Publizist Morris Ayek beschreibt in seinem Essay, wie es den repressiven arabischen Staaten gelungen ist, eine Gesellschaft nach ihrem Vorbild und Antlitz zu schaffen.
German Peace Prize for Boualem Sansal: A Good, Cowardly Choice - Qantara.de
Awarding Boualem Sansal with the German Peace Prize is in fact not as courageous as it seems, writes Stefan Weidner: the Algerian author is one of those critics of Arab-Islamic conditions who make it easy for us to follow him, Weidner says
Constitutional Reform in Morocco: I Am the Reform! - Qantara.de
Over the past 25 years, Morocco has been through a remarkable political opening process and encouraged social pluralism. However, no limits have been set to the king's extreme authority. Despite this, the changes to the constitution made in 2011 are more…
Controversy Surrounding the Al-Zaytuna Mosque in Tunis: The Ambivalent Revival of Islamic Traditions - Qantara.de
Among the signs of a gradual cultural turnaround in the countries of the Arab Spring is the conflict that has been simmering for several months regarding the revival of the old Islamic school at the Al-Zaytuna Mosque in Tunis. By Joseph Croitoru
Egyptian Blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad: ''The Elections Are a Deception'' - Qantara.de
"The presidential elections are not free and democratic," says Egyptian human rights activist Maikel Nabil Sanad, who was arrested and imprisoned and freed in January following widespread international protest. By Bettina Marx
Interview with Saleh Diab: ''Egypt Doesn't Need Dollars, It Needs a Clear Plan'' - Qantara.de
Egyptian entrepreneur and publisher Saleh Diab is concerned over the future of his country. Foreign investors are being discouraged by political conditions, and the nation lacks a vision for the future, he says. Interview by Kersten Knipp
The Egyptian President's Power Gain: Morsi Cannot Govern Against His People - Qantara.de
When Mohammed Morsi assumed his presidential duties six months ago, he was derided as a "spare tyre". Now Time Magazine is running a front-page story on the man it calls "the most important man in the Middle East". But despite his burgeoning power, Morsi…
Nachruf auf Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid: Wegbereiter für fortschrittliche Lesarten des Koran - Qantara.de
Der international bekannte ägyptische Koranforscher Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid gehörte zu den führenden islamischen Reformdenkern der Gegenwart. Seine diskursanalytische Untersuchung des Koran legten den Grundstein für ein zeitgemäßes Verständnis des Islam. Abu…
Interview with Daniel Barenboim: ''Mutual Appreciation Is Essential'' - Qantara.de
Pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim has founded an academy in Berlin for musicians from the Middle East, an effort at easing decades of conflict. Peter Zimmermann talked to him about the background and his hopes for the project