670 Ergebnisse für: attractive

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    The company will beef up its on-demand initiatives through the acquisition with capabilities that are particularly attractive to retailers.

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    Cashmo Casino offers players several attractive promotions to help them increase their winnings and spend more time playing their favourite games.

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    Julie Delpy makes romantic comedies — but not the kind where two attractive people meet, overcome whimsical obstacles and wind up happy. Her stories, as show...

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    A series of attractive, high-interest biographies includes a description of a famous athlete's career from the beginning through his or her current achievements.

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    The alpha Centauri system - our next door neighbor in space - represents a very attractive target for exoplanet searches. Owing to its proximity, a planet fo...

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    44 randomly distributed Cu atoms (hard spheres) in two dimensions (2D) are relaxed unsing attractive potentials and a Monte-Carlo-Method. The steps of the at...

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    Ehrenamtliche Programmierer, Ideengeber, Kreative, Verwaltungsmitglieder und Interessierte aus Hamburg und dem Norden treffen sich und entwicklen gemeinsam Projekte und Programme (Websites, Apps) rund um offene Daten (Open Data)

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    Ehrenamtliche Programmierer, Ideengeber, Kreative, Verwaltungsmitglieder und Interessierte aus Hamburg und dem Norden treffen sich und entwicklen gemeinsam Projekte und Programme (Websites, Apps) rund um offene Daten (Open Data)

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    Deutsch-französisches Bündnis für einen attraktiven Bahn- und Busverkehr zwischen Pfalz, Mittlerer Oberrhein und Nord Elsass. Alliance franco-allemande pour une offre attractive de trains et de bus entre le Palatinat du Sud, Mittlerer Oberrhein et le Nord…

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    Barron's Handbooks for bird owners and breeders are written, designed, and illustrated in much the same attractive fashion as Complete Pet Owner's Manuals. However, most Handbooks are somewhat longer and more extensive in their coverage, the longest among…

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