31 Ergebnisse für: asinger
André Asinger - Spielerprofil | Transfermarkt
André Asinger ist ein ehemaliger Fußballspieler aus Österreich, (* 08.08.1987 in , ). Asinger spielte zuletzt bei FC Weißkirchen (FC Wei). Er spielte auf der Position Mittelfeld.
Asinger, Friedrich - RÖMPP, Thieme
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Friedrich Asinger
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Asinger-Dihydrothiazol-Synthese - RÖMPP, Thieme
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Andre Arnold Asinger | oefb.at
Position: Unbekannt, Rückennummer: , Nationalität: Österreich
Paraffins: Chemistry and Technology - F. Asinger - Google Books
Paraffins: Chemistry and Technology deals primarily with fundamentals of those methods and processes for the manufacture and chemical treatment of the paraffinic hydrocarbons. The present book, the first edition of which was published by the…
Paraffins: Chemistry and Technology - F. Asinger - Google Books
Paraffins: Chemistry and Technology deals primarily with fundamentals of those methods and processes for the manufacture and chemical treatment of the paraffinic hydrocarbons. The present book, the first edition of which was published by the…
Mono-Olefins: Chemistry and Technology - F. Asinger - Google Books
Mono-Olefins: Chemistry and Technology is a translation from the German and deals with the study of olefins from low ethylene to hexenes and olefins from the high hexenes to eicosenes. The book describes the gaseous or low-boiling olefins and the higher,…
Paraffins: Chemistry and Technology - F. Asinger - Google Books
Paraffins: Chemistry and Technology deals primarily with fundamentals of those methods and processes for the manufacture and chemical treatment of the paraffinic hydrocarbons. The present book, the first edition of which was published by the…