453 Ergebnisse für: analysed
Matsuri: The Festivals of Japan - Herbert E. Plutschow, Patrick Geoffrey O'Neill - Google Books
Contribution to Western understanding of the nature and manifestations of Shinto through the vast galaxy of historic festivals (matsuri) that are here categorized and analysed.
Cartel detection : is market share volatility a significant indicator? - EconBiz
In this short paper, cartel behaviour is analysed with respect to the market shares of cartel members. There is some evidence in previous theoretical and empirical research that market shares under collusion are more stable than in phases of competition.…
Steuerliche Verluststrategien bei Umwandlungen von Kapitalgesellschaften - Britta Christina Noll - Google Books
Tax strategies for losses with respect to transformations of companies. The author provides the principles of treatment of losses by tax law. The book contains arrangements for the development of strategies for losses with respect to transformation and…
Bangladesh: Past and Present - Salahuddin Ahmed - Google Books
"This work is an attempt to unfold the contribution made by the great Muslim Bengalis in the independence movement of India and later in the struggle for autonomy of East Pakistan culminating in the independence of Bangladesh. I have analysed the events of…
Operation Barbarossa: the Complete Organisational and Statistical Analysis ... - Nigel Askey - Google Books
Operation Barbarossa: Volume IIA concerns the Wehrmacht. All the significant German weapon systems and combat squads used in the campaign are analysed using the quantitative methodology detailed in Volume I, along with the contextual history. An assessment…
Latin American Evangelical Theology in the 1970's: The Golden Decade - Daniel Salinas - Google Books
The story of Latin American evangelicals doing theology is mostly unknown. In the 1970s there was an important development with the formation of the Latin American Theological Fraternity (FTL). This group spearheaded the theological production in Latin…
Dalit Movement in India and Its Leaders, 1857-1956 - Rāmacandra Kshīrasāgara - Google Books
This book is, obviously based on primary source of information. Certain facts were duly corroborated by other sources. It has been objectively analysed, properly interpreted and systematically arranged in a consolidated form. It would be useful as a ready…
The Economics of Offsets: Defence Procurement and Coutertrade - Stephen Martin - Google Books
Despite their growth, outlined and analysed in this book, the claims and counter-claims that surround offsets have not been subjected to critical scrutiny by economists. This book fills that gap. It brings together a team of internationally renowned…