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Ambiguität201 Ergebnisse für: ambiguity
The Tetons: Interpretations of a Mountain Landscape - Fritiof Fryxell - Google Books
A reprint of a classic on the geology of the Tetons written simply, clearly, and without ambiguity, by one of Grand Teton's early rangers.
Corporate Governance in VUCA-Zeiten - manager magazin
Unternehmenslenker haben in diesen Zeiten das VUCA-Problem: Bei ihren Entscheidungen sind sie täglich und ständig konfrontiert mit Unbeständigkeit (Volatility), Unsicherheit (Uncertainty), Komplexität (Complexity) und Mehrdeutigkeit (Ambiguity)....
Mitterrand: A Study in Ambiguity - Philip Short - Google Books
Aesthete, sensualist, bookworm, politician of Machiavellian cunning: François Mitterrand was a man of exceptional gifts and exceptional flaws who, during his fourteen years as President, strove to drag his tradition-bound and change-averse country into the…
Ambiguity and Choice in Public Policy: Political Decision Making in Modern ... - Nikolaos Zahariadis - Google Books
Zahariadis offers a theory that explains policymaking when "ambiguity" is present—a state in which there are many ways, often irreconcilable, of thinking about an issue. Expanding and extending John Kingdon's influential "multiple streams" model that…
Gray Zones: Ambiguity and Compromise in the Holocaust and Its Aftermath - Google Books
Few essays about the Holocaust are better known or more important than Primo Levi's reflections on what he called "the gray zone," a reality in which moral ambiguity and compromise were pronounced. In this volume accomplished Holocaust scholars, among…
Revision von Ellsberg-Paradoxon vom Do., 19.09.2013 - 15:33 • Definition | Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon
Lexikon Online ᐅRevision von Ellsberg-Paradoxon vom Do., 19.09.2013 - 15:33: Auf eine Arbeit von D. Ellsberg (Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage Axioms, Quarterly Journal of Economics 75 (1961), S. 643-669) zurückgehende Beobachtung von Wahlverhalten, welches…
Homepage Joerg Oechssler Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftstheorie II - Prof. Jörg Oechssler, Ph.D.
homepage Joerg Oechssler
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Bildband Kanalinseln: Jersey, Guernsey, Sark und Alderney, Land Use Sustainability als Buch von Swapan Kumar Sarker, Steroid Dimers als eBook Download von Satyajit Sarker, Lutfun Nahar, Forgiveness and Perceived Justice als Buch von Tarneem Sarkes, …
Nikolai Zabolotsky - Darra Goldstein, Willcox and Harriet Adsit Professor of Russian Darra Goldstein - Google Books
Nikolai Zabolotsky (1903-1958) was one of the great poets of twentieth-century Russia. As the last link in the Russian Futurist tradition and the first poet to come of age in the Soviet period, Zabolotsky wrote both experimental and classical poetry. This…
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