4 Ergebnisse für: amatti
György Ligeti (1923-2006): Volumina - YouTube
Père Patrick Ledergerber, osb Goll-Orgel Kloster Engelberg, die Schweiz
Der Rosenkavalier (Richard Strauss) - trailer - YouTube
Trailer for Der Rosenkavalier (Richard Strauss) in a brand new production by Oscar winning Hollywood actor Christoph Waltz. Tickets: vlaamseopera.be/rosenkav...
A Performer’s History: Max van Egmond (full-length) - YouTube
A tribute to one of the most prolifically recorded Baroque music artists, Max van Egmond, who joins the ABS Academy faculty for the last time in 2018 (http:/...
Dirk Aleschus als die Köchin in Prokofjews Oper "Die Liebe zu den drei Orangen" - YouTube
Die "schwarze Köchin" in Kreonta, en travestie in Gestalt von Dirk Aleschus. Debut an der Wiener Volksoper