11 Ergebnisse für: agdq
Speedruns - AGDQ 2016 bringt 1.2 Millionen Dollar Spenden zusammen
Der Spenden-Stream Awesome Games Done Quick 2016 bringt mehr als 1,2 Millionen Dollar Spenden zusammen. Die Donations kommen den Krebs-Präventation zu Gute.
Donkey Kong Country - SPEED RUN in 0:31:00 by tjp7154 - SDA (2012) - YouTube
Current best Single-segment (SS) on SDA. Download the run here - http://speeddemosarchive.com/demo.pl?DonkeyKongCountry_SS_031 Game page - http://speeddemosa...
Matt Chat 78: Arnold Hendrick Interview Pt. 1 - YouTube
This is the first part of a multi-segment interview with Arnold Hendrick, the designer of Darklands as well as several of Microprose's best military simulati...
WTF Is... - Magicka? - YouTube
http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-MAGICKA/magicka - Activates on Steam, this is a better deal for EU and US purchasers I think, plus it more directly supports the...
Let's Play Lands of Lore 3 71: The Shattered Wastes - YouTube
You tell me if you think we've come to a good place. My money is on no.
Pitfall Classic Postmortem With David Crane Panel at GDC 2011 (Atari 2600) - YouTube
Famed game designer David Crane talks about his design challenges creating Pitfall for the Atari 2600.
Classic Games Postmortem - XCOM: UFO Defense - YouTube
Game designer Julian Gollop gives a full overview of where XCOM: UFO Defense came from and what may be in store for the future. Visit our other channels: Gam...
World's Most Infamous Donkey Kong Player Caught Cheating! - YouTube
Time to ditch the Mitch King of Kong: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0923752/ Billy's 1.047m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYtJzRcvOzk Jeremy Young's Post on...
Final Fantasy VII by ajneb174 in 7:48:04 - SGDQ2017 - Part 125 - YouTube
Runner introduction at 10:53 This speedrun was recorded live at Summer Games Done Quick 2017, a weeklong charity speedrun marathon raising money for Doctors ...
Donkey Kong Country 3: 0:45 mins SPEED RUN (Hard) by Davis - SDA 2010 - YouTube
Single-segment (SS) Hard mode any% speed run by 'Davis'. Hard mode is basically considered using the TUFST code to remove all DK and Continue barrels from th...