21 Ergebnisse für: adyghe
Shepshakue (Moral therapy) - Circassian Medicine - YouTube
from the movie ''THE ADYGHE''
Черкесский дворянский танец (Circassian Noble dancing) -Ансамбль "Кабардинка"('Kabardinka' ensemble) - YouTube
Circassian Noble dance /Adyghe work' k'afa /Черкесский дворянский танец - "Kabardinka" ensemble; perform. in Moscow.
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Eating fish makes you clever - YouTube
Story told by Tevfik Esenç in historical Abaza (Ubykh) language. Transcribed and translated into the most relative Circassian [Western] Adyghe language.
Bjedough Islamey By Nalmes - YouTube
Bjedough Islamey dance by Nalmes
The Caucasus - An Introduction - Frederik Coene - Google Books
The Caucasus is one of the most complicated regions in the world: with many different peoples and political units, differing religious allegiances, and frequent conflicts, and where historically major world powers have clashed with each other. Until now…
The Caucasus - An Introduction - Frederik Coene - Google Books
The Caucasus is one of the most complicated regions in the world: with many different peoples and political units, differing religious allegiances, and frequent conflicts, and where historically major world powers have clashed with each other. Until now…
Театр "Красный факел": "Без слов" - YouTube
БЕЗ СЛОВ (16+) авторский спектакль в двух действиях Когда на нас обрушивается любовь, слова излишни Название «Без слов» следует понимать буквально: история, ...
Category:Northwest Caucasian languages – Wikimedia Commons
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