6 Ergebnisse für: 906.432
Martin i Soler - Il burbero di buon cuore - Overture - YouTube
Vicente Martín y Soler (May 2, 1754 -- January 30, 1806) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicente_Mart%C3%ADn_y_Soler
Hamlet trailer (Brett Dean) - YouTube
Be part of a major new operatic work – join us for the world premiere of Brett Dean’s new opera based on Shakespeare’s best-known tragedy. To be, or not to b...
Marsch des Infanterie Regiments von Möllendorf Nr. 25 um 1796 - YouTube
Marsch des Infanterie Regiments von Möllendorf Nr. 25 um 1796 Marcia del 25° Reggimento di Fanteria di Möllendorf del 1796 March of the 25th Infantry Regimen...
24. Simson SR2 Treffen 2019 | 22. Löwenspektakel 2019 | Motto: SR ICH GEB GAS WIR HABEN SPASS
Informationen zum weltgrößten Simson SR2 Oldtimer Treffen, dem SR-Treffen in Kürbitz im Vogtland.
Evgeny Belyaev sings "Kid" Малыш - YouTube
Evgeny Mikhailovich Belyaev (Евгений Михайлович Беляев) sings "Kid" (Малыш) with the Alexandrov Ensemble, conducted by Boris Alexandrovich Alexandrov. The da...
Rudolf Bandler - The song of the flea (Moussorgsky) - YouTube
sung in German; with Wilhelm Grosz (piano). Ultraphon master 10833, rec. Berlin, spring 1930. Bassist Rudolf Bandler (1878-1944) was a member of several mino...