4 Ergebnisse für: 90.923
3 sat Bericht über Ufc mit Andreas Kraniotakes im Kampfsportgym Koblenz - YouTube
3 sat Bericht über Ufc mit Andreas Kraniotakes im Kampfsportgym Koblenz
Chlamydomonas at 1000x - YouTube
Here's a Chlamydomonas found in a water from Lake Hodges. You can even see the flagella that is swims with.
Kaiser Franz Josef I, Rettungs-Jubel Marsch op. 126 - Johann Strauss II - YouTube
Kaiser Franz Josef I, Rettungs-Jubel Marsch op. 126 (Joy at Deliverance of Emperor Franz Josef). Author: Johann Srauss II (1825-1899).
Richard Dawkins vs John Lennox | Has Science Buried God? Debate - YouTube
Two world-renown scientists go head to head at the Oxford Museum of Natural History, the famed site of the 1860 evolution debate between Huxley and Wilberfor...