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    One of the first films, first shown in Wintergaretn, Panknow, Berlin, Germany filmed by Max Skladanowsky.

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    Das Edvard im Hotel Palais Hansen Kempinski wurde mit einem Michelin-Stern ausgezeichnet. Es gehört damit zu den besten Gourmet-Restaurants in Wien

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    Eine Kunst- Installation von Andrea Thema und Giselher Scheicher am Flughafen Nürnberg

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    Most of you have seen Asmaa's original vlog pleading with people to show up on January 25th, here's a vlog she made a few hours before the big day. Tension i...

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    Es läuten die 4 Glocken des Zürcher Grossmünsters. Sie hängen alle in einem Turm. Der andere, der sogenannte Karlsturm ist für Touristen öffentlich zugänglic...

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    True Colors Fund friend and board member Sara Ramirez shares her truth at the 2016 40 to None Summit. Here is an excerpt from her speech: "So many of our you...

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    The world's roundest object helps solve the longest running problem in measurement -- how to define the kilogram. Support Veritasium on Patreon: http://bit.l...

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    Ländername: Republik Kasachstan; Kasachisch: Kazakstan Respublikasy Klima: im Norden kontinental, in Zentral- und Westkasachstan wüstenhaft, im Süden feuchteres Kontinentalklima Lage: Zentralasien;…

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    CMT is where all your favorite shows and country stars collide. Home to NASHVILLE and STILL THE KING, be sure to subscribe for all the latest exclusive inter...

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    CMT is where all your favorite shows and country stars collide. Home to NASHVILLE and STILL THE KING, be sure to subscribe for all the latest exclusive inter...

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