558 Ergebnisse für: 9,64
Lauenburg/Hohnstorf - Hochwasser in Lauenburg erreicht Höchststand: Merkel erwartet – LN - Lübecker Nachrichten
Erleichterung in Lauenburg: Das Hochwasser steigt kaum noch. Der Höchststand von 9,64 Metern ist erreicht. Der Krisenstab macht bereits Pläne für die Rückkehr der Bürger in ihre Häuser. Am Nachmittag will sich Kanzlerin Merkel ein Bild von der Lage machen.
Kaleidoscope – Kinoprogramm im KINOPOLIS Gießen
Erfahren Sie hier alle Infos zum Film "Kaleidoscope" und reservieren Sie online Karten für den Film im KINOPOLIS Gießen
Gesichter einer Krankheit – Kinoprogramm im KINOPOLIS Gießen
Erfahren Sie hier alle Infos zum Film "Gesichter einer Krankheit" und reservieren Sie online Karten für den Film im KINOPOLIS Gießen
Lesebrille.co.de - Ihr Lesebrille Shop
EYESTUFF Lesehilfe »Lesebrille 001 +1,50 Dioptrien«, grau, Lesebrille Woody, Stilvolle Lesebrille Zipper Schwarz, Lesebrille Club L Blau, EYESTUFF Sonnenbrille »+3.50 Dioptrien« Klapp-Lesebrille, goldfarben,
The Schirmer Inheritance - Eric Ambler - Google Books
It wasn’t anyone’s idea of a glamorous first assignment at a white show law firm. George Cary, former WWII bomber pilot and newly minted lawyer, was given the ignoble task of going through the tons of files on the Schneider Johnson case, just to make sure…
Teacher Effectiveness Training: The Program Proven to Help Teachers Bring ... - Dr. Thomas Gordon - Google Books
For nearly thirty years, Teacher Effectiveness Training, or the T.E.T. book, based on Dr. Thomas Gordon’s groundbreaking program, has taught hundreds of thousands of teachers around the world the skills they need to deal with the inevitable student…
Magellan's Voyage: A Narrative Account of the First Circumnavigation - Antonio Pigafetta - Google Books
In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan, leading an expedition of five ships and over 270 men, set sail from Spain in search of the Spice Islands. Three years later, one ship returned to port with just 18 men. Magellan was not among the survivors, having been killed…
Without Precedent - Thomas H. Kean, Lee H. Hamilton - Google Books
The untold story of how the 9/11 Commission overcame partisanship and bureaucracy to produce its acclaimed report.From the beginning, the 9/11 Commission found itself facing obstacles — the Bush administration blocked its existence for months, the first…
One Two Three . . . Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science - George Gamow - Google Books
". . . full of intellectual treats and tricks, of whimsy and deep scientific philosophy. It is highbrow entertainment at its best, a teasing challenge to all who aspire to think about the universe." — New York Herald TribuneOne of the world's…
Who Wrote The Book Of Love? - Richard Crouse - Google Books
¸ The words to Little Richard's "Tutti Frutti" were initially so risqué they had to be completely rewritten - in the hallway of the studio, as time was running out - before the song could be recorded. (He wrote the original version while working as a…