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BBC Last Night of the Proms 2010: God Save The Queen - YouTube
This is the work of the BBC
Ville Valo Interview 7-4-2003 - YouTube
Interview for Love Metal.
Ville Valo Interview Part 3/5 (Digital Versatile Doom) - YouTube
2008 release - Ville Valo gives an interview expressing his beliefs, morals, values, and philosophies on various subjects...This interview can be found on th...
Maureen Guy 1978 - YouTube
A tribute to the Welsh mezzo soprano Maureen Guy 1932-2015 Beloved wife of the tenor, John Mitchinson Maureen studied at the Guildhall School of Music & Dram...
Les Miserables On My Own by Linzi Hateley - YouTube
Linzi Hateley is no doubt, the best Eponine by far. She can project, sing in tune, and with expression/emotion that is unmatched, even by Lea Salanga. I foun...
Firefighters warned of Asiana crash victim on tarmac before running her over - YouTube
New video from the scene of the Asiana Airlines flight 214 crash in San Francisco shows firefighters were aware that a 16-year-old girl was laying on the gro...
WOTV: Oliver Twist's Oliver and the Artful Dodger talk - YouTube
Watch an interview with William Miller and Adam Arnold, the stars of BBC1's Dickens adaptation
Festeggiamenti per l'80° genetliaco di S.S. Pio XI - Desio 1937 - YouTube
Festeggiamenti per l'80° genetliaco di Sua Santità il Papa Pio XI e benedizione della nuova facciata marmorea della Basilica di Desio, dono del Conte Mario L...
Amy - Jack Hylton & His Orchestra. 1930. - YouTube
"Amy" Jack Hylton & His Orchestra. Amy Johnson(1903 - 1941)Pioneer Aviator, caught the imagination of Great Britain and the world in 1930 when she undertook ...