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Kathrin Klaas | Sportschau - sportschau.de/ecs - Sportler
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Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Lawrence Agonistes: The Early Phase - Barry Jeffrey Scherr - Google Books
This book is the first to examine the influence of Shakespeare—particularly Hamlet—on D. H. Lawrence. Using the Bloomian theory of the “anxiety of influence” to probe the startling depths of Lawrence’s agon with his towering precursor Shakespeare, it…
Biologists in the Age of Totalitarianism: Personal Reminiscences of ... - Eugeniusz Nowak - Google Books
This fascinating volume resulted from one man’s frustration with the series of whitewashed obituaries and laudations he had to endure in his long career in West Germany. These were often of biologists who had worked in the Third Reich, a period generally…
Opéra-Comique: A Sourcebook - Robert Ignatius Letellier - Google Books
Opéra-comique, like grand opéra, a specifically French genre of opera, emerged from the political changes and intellectual discussion that played a recurrent role in determining the nature of artistic expression and production in Paris from the late 17th…
Mapping the History of Folklore Studies: Centres, Borderlands and Shared Spaces - Google Books
This collection of articles provides rich and diverse insights into the historical dynamics of folkloristic thought with its shifting geographies, shared spaces, centres and borderlands. By focusing on intellectual collaboration and sharing, the volume…
Glycolsäure - RÖMPP, Thieme
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Peroxyessigsäure - RÖMPP, Thieme
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BfN: Landschaftssteckbrief
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Wings - Band On The Run (CD, Album, Multichannel) | Discogs
Auf Discogs können Sie sich ansehen, wer an 2001 CD von Band On The Run mitgewirkt hat, Rezensionen und Titellisten lesen und auf dem Marktplatz nach der Veröffentlichung suchen.
Leichtathletik - Rekorde Frauen - Hammerwurf
Leichtathletik - Hammerwurf Frauen - Weltrekordentwicklung, Entwicklung der deutschen Rekorde, Die Besten aller Zeiten