67 Ergebnisse für: 38,32
Fundamentals of Geophysics - William Lowrie - Google Books
This second edition of Fundamentals of Geophysics has been completely revised and updated, and is the ideal geophysics textbook for undergraduate students of geoscience with an introductory level of knowledge in physics and mathematics. It gives a…
Political Islam from Muhammad to Ahmadinejad: Defenders, Detractors, and ... - Google Books
Under the auspices of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa, Joseph Morrison Skelly brings together a team of experts to create a compelling, scholarly investigation of the interrelationship of Islam and politics. Divided into several…
Spiritual Weapons: The Cold War and the Forging of an American National ... - T. Jeremy Gunn - Google Books
While some may argue that religion has & continues to influence U.S. foreign policy, others would argue that foreign policy has significantly influenced an American National Religion after 1947. Here, Gunn shows that in the wake of World War II, Americans…
Richard B. Cheney and the Rise of the Imperial Vice Presidency - Bruce P. Montgomery - Google Books
On taking office in 2001, Dick Cheney crowned himself the first imperial vice president in the nation's history, transforming a traditionally inconsequential office into a de facto fourth branch of government. Taking a less journalistic and personal…
Esotericism and the Academy: Rejected Knowledge in Western Culture - Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Google Books
Academics tend to look on 'esoteric', 'occult' or 'magical' beliefs with contempt, but are usually ignorant about the religious and philosophical traditions to which these terms refer, or their relevance to intellectual history. Wouter Hanegraaff tells the…
The Isma'ilis: Their History and Doctrines - Farhad Daftary - Google Books
The Isma'ilis represent the second largest Shii Muslim community after the Twelvers, and are today scattered throughout more than twenty-five countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and North America. This 2007 second edition of this…
The Militant Kurds: A Dual Strategy for Freedom: A Dual Strategy for Freedom - Vera Eccarius-Kelly - Google Books
The Militant Kurds: A Dual Strategy for Freedom explores the complexity of the 30-year guerrilla war of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) against the Turkish Republic, identifying longstanding obstacles to peace and probing the new dynamics that may lead to…
Elementar-Werckchen der Wapenk - Titel - Digitale Sammlungen - Digitale Sammlungen
Digitale Sammlungen
The American Congress - Steven S. Smith, Jason M. Roberts, Ryan J. Vander Wielen - Google Books
The ninth edition of this respected textbook provides a fresh perspective and a crisp introduction to congressional politics. Informed by the authors' Capitol Hill experience and scholarship, the new edition reflects changes resulting from the November…
Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theory - Edson de Faria, Welington de Melo - Google Books
Over the last century quantum field theory has made a significant impact on the formulation and solution of mathematical problems and inspired powerful advances in pure mathematics. However, most accounts are written by physicists, and mathematicians…