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Jahresliste (deutsch)
Король танго Строк - YouTube
Хотя и считается, что родина танго -- Латинская Америка, но ее истинный король жил в Риге. И это был Оскар Строк. Огоромная популярность музыканта и композит...
Die Quietschboys - die perfekt Blähung - YouTube
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Hans-Christian Schink - Photography
Hans-Christian Schink - Photography
United Breaks Guitars Song 3 - "United We Stand" on the Right Side of Right - YouTube
Visit http://www.UnitedBreaksGuitars.com for case studies and highlights from Dave's speaking tour. For more of Dave's music visit http:// www.davecarrollmus...
Johnny Cash - In The Sweet By And By - YouTube
Unearthed Disc 4 - My Mothers Hymn Book My Mother's Hymn Book is a collection of Christian spiritual songs and hymns that Cash originally learned from his mo...
Rudolf Bandler sings "Die Musik Kommt" or "Here Comes the Musik" by Oscar Straus - YouTube
The bass-baritone,a German speaking Jew from Bohemia was a star at the Vienna Volksoper and an oft guest at the Vienna Hofoper/Staatsoper. One of the finest ...