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Friendly Fire 4 - YouTube
Kalender & Friendly Fire 4 Merch bestellen: https://www.yvolve.de/ff4 Die offizielle Ankündigung zu Friendly Fire 4! Das Event findet am 08.12.2018 statt. Ih...
Milica ZULUS, violinist: Kreisler: Praeludium and Allegro in the style of Pugnani - YouTube
Milica ZULUS, violinist, 8 years old ( http://www.milicazulus.com ), plays Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962): Praeludium and Allegro in the style of Pugnani winning...
Il Cannone Guarneri - Documentary with Shlomo Mintz (Sous-titres en français) - YouTube
Il Cannone is also known by the variants Il Cannone del Gesù, Cannone or Canon, often appended with Guarneri del Gesù, the Guarneri trademark. The violin rec...