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Bells of Dom tower in Utrecht - YouTube
You can see a space between the bells where a man plays the bells manually two days a week!
Apostel Petrus und das letzte Abendmahl (2012) [Drama] | Film (deutsch) - YouTube
'Für wen haltet ihr mich?', fragt Jesus. Petrus antwortet: 'Du bist der Messias, der Sohn des lebendigen Gottes!' Als einer der zwölf Jünger Jesu ist Petrus ...
Markus Granlund Amazing "Lacrosse" Goal // HIFK jrs. - SaiPa (3.11.10) - YouTube
Huikea ilmaveivi "Mikaelin pikkuveljeltä".
BAB250 (BAB39) Lüneburg - Hamburg - YouTube
A trip from Lüneburg towards Hamburg over the BAB250. Since november 3rth, 2010, the BAB250 is renamed to BAB39. At the end I will merge into a traffic conge...
Holland Aka Wilkinson Wins Dutch Marathon (1961) - YouTube
Full title reads: "Holland". Ensschede, The Netherlands. Peter Wilkinson wins the Dutch Marathon. GV mass start Marathon race at the stadium, CU runners feet...