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Windjammerfilme - Gefahrgut Feuerwehr Gabelstapler Ladungssicherung Brandschutz Windjammer
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Windjammerfilme - Gefahrgut Feuerwehr Gabelstapler Ladungssicherung Brandschutz Windjammer
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Windjammerfilme - Gefahrgut Feuerwehr Gabelstapler Ladungssicherung Brandschutz Windjammer
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Windjammerfilme - Gefahrgut Feuerwehr Gabelstapler Ladungssicherung Brandschutz Windjammer
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The Cultural Evolution of Postwar Japan: The Intellectual Contributions of ... - Christopher Keaveney - Google Books
Yamamoto Sanehiko's (1885-1952) achievements as a publisher, writer, and politician in the interwar period served as both a catalyst and a template for developments after the wars. While exploring the accomplishments the compelling figure, this study sheds…
The Diplomatic Education of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882–1933 - G. Cross - Google Books
The importance of Franklin D. Roosevelt's thinking on international relations is self-evident. The truly enormous volume of historical writing on his views regarding U.S. foreign policy as president is testament to the momentous period during which he held…
Transnational Anti-Communism and the Cold War: Agents, Activities, and Networks - Stéphanie Roulin, Giles Scott-Smith - Google Books
How was anti-communism organised in the West? This book covers the agents, aims, and arguments of various transnational anti-communist activists during the Cold War. Existing narratives often place the United States – and especially the CIA – at the centre…
Fandom, Image and Authenticity: Joy Devotion and the Second Lives of Kurt ... - Jennifer Otter Bickerdike - Google Books
Kurt Cobain and Ian Curtis. Through death, they became icons. However, the lead singers have been removed from their humanity, replaced by easily replicated and distributed commodities bearing their image. This book examines how the anglicised singers…
The Statesman's Year-Book 1997-8 - Google Books
Widely respected as an authoritative and accessible reference work. The Statesman's Year-Book provides up-to-date world facts about every country in the world - constitution and government, international relations, industry, agriculture, trade and social…
Postmodern Metanarratives: Blade Runner and Literature in the Age of Image - Décio Torres Cruz - Google Books
Postmodern Metanarratives investigates the relationship between cinema and literature by analyzing the film Blade Runner as a postmodern work that constitutes a landmark of cyberpunk narrative and establishes a link between tradition and the (post)modern.