332 Ergebnisse für: 240252
Latvijan tango: Marek Weber's Tanz-Orchester - Dark Eyes, 1931 - YouTube
Schwarze Augen (Oskar Strock) - Marek Weber und sein Orchester, mit russischem Refraingesang, Electrola 1931 (Germany) NOTE: I think, this Oskar Strock's mas...
Polish Tango: Hanka Ordonówna - Kogo nasza miłość obchodzi, 1932 - YouTube
Hanka Ordonówna with piano accopmaniament - Kogo nasza miłość obchodzi? (Whe Cares About Our Love)(Music & Text: Marian Hemar)Tango from theatre "Banda", Syr...
Schöner Gigolo - Otto Fassel & Orch. Bernard Ette, 1929 - YouTube
Schöner Gigolo - Otto Fassel & Orch. Bernard Ette, Kristall-Electro 1929 (Germany) NOTE: It's one of the loveliest tangoes composed in inter-war period in Eu...
Hanka Ordonówna - Miłość ci wszystko wybaczy - YouTube
"Love will forgive you everything" by Hanka Ordonówna in "Szpieg w masce" (Spy in the mask) film from 1933.
Tango from Berlin: Marek Weber - Donna Clara, 1930 - YouTube
Marek Weber m.s. Tanz-Orchester - Donna Clara (Petersburski), Electrola 1930 ATTENTION! Thanks to Josefsterkens - our YT friend - the voice of the vocalist h...
Weimar Hit From Berlin - Where Is My Maier?, 1929 - YouTube
Eddie Thomas & His Orchestra Where Is My Maier? (Was macht der Maier, am Himalaya?) (Profes/ Rotter/ Stransky) 1929
Dajos Béla Orchester plays "Palesteena", c.1920 - YouTube
Palesteena (Con Conrad & J.Russel Robinson) Shimmy - Kapelle Sándor Józsi (Dajos Béla), Odeon c.1920 See also: http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=8wh8CCbxjAY
The Vamp - Oriental Fox -Trott & Theda Bara slideshow...1919 - YouTube
The Vamp (Oriental Fox-Trot) - Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra with Irving & Jack Kaufman, Columbia 1919 ---------------------------------- "The Vamp" of the...
Lewis Ruth Orchester & Leo Moll (Monosson) in 1931 - YouTube
This recording of "Ein Paradies am Meeresstrand" from Paul Abraham's Operette "Die Blume von Hawaii" was made for Electrola in 1931. Lewis Ruth Orchestra bec...
Rare Singers: Abels - I Can't Give You Anything But Love - YouTube
That great American hit of the late 1920s here is sung - in a masterly way (!!) by the mysterious male vocal group called Abels Jazzsänger or just: Abels (in...