6 Ergebnisse für: 228.951
Adam lay ybounden. J. Ireland - YouTube
I Ciclo de Música en Navidad 16 de diciembre del 2010 Capilla gótica Universidad de Deusto
Orgue de la cathédrale de Nancy - Johann Vexo joue Bach (Sinfonia de la cantate BWV 29) - YouTube
Johann Vexo interprète la Sinfonia de la cantate BWV 29 de Johann-Sebastian Bach, transcrite par Marcel Dupré, au grand-orgue Cavaillé-Coll (1861) de la cath...
Earliest recorded chess game-Greco Vs Amateur (1619) Quick Win(With colour commentary) - YouTube
Chess notation is a wonderful invention -- a time machine that allows us to enjoy chess games of all eras, even those played hundreds of years ago. Here we s...
FAST VERHEIRATET Trailer german deutsch & Kritik [HD] - YouTube
Fast Verheiratet Trailer deutsch german & Kritik (OT: The Five-Year Engagement) Review mit Franc Tausch von FilmKritikTV. Mit Jason Segel, Emily Blunt, Chris...
J.S. Bach: Pièce d'orgue BWV 572 played by Olivier Latry at the University of Notre Dame - YouTube
Olivier Latry #organist played a recital at the University of Notre Dame on February 25, 2014. This is a video I made of him playing the Paul Fritts Pipe Org...
2012 - 150 Jahre Cavaillé-Coll-Orgel von Saint Sulpice, Paris - YouTube
2012 - 150 Jahre Cavaillé-Coll-Orgel von Saint Sulpice, Paris 11. -- 15. April 2012 Orgelreise Paris und Orgelkurs Daniel Roth 29. April 2012 16 Uhr Geburtst...