12 Ergebnisse für: 21.452
Karlsruhe - Wahlen
Karlsruhe - Wahlen
PR. Kantate - Is Ma Ejal - YouTube
Unbekannter Stuff German Ragga SysTem Hall Of Fame
Hans Rehmstedt - Melodie (1943) - YouTube
Orchester Hans Rehmstedt Columbia DW 4927 Matritzennummer: CR 858 Aufnahmedatum: Juli 1943
Edwin H. Land in "The Long Walk" (1970; directed by Bill Warriner for Polaroid Corporation) - YouTube
Shot for Polaroid's 1970 shareholders' meeting, this film shows founder and CEO Edwin Land giving a tour (by helicopter) of the company's offices and factori...
Caritas Wien: Rund 840 Freiwillige halfen im Winter mit - religion.ORF.at
Die Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien hat am Donnerstag eine positive Winterbilanz gezogen und Freude über das freiwillige Engagement geäußert: Seit November 2017 halfen rund 840 Menschen freiwillig mit, bedürftige Menschen im Winter zu unterstützen.
Stüssgen Advert, Fischerkoesen - YouTube
"Das Lockende Ziel",a "Cornelius Stüssgen" advertisement. Animation by Hans Fischerkoesen. http://www.awn.com/mag/issue1.7/articles/moritz1.7.html
Paul Pabst (1854-1897): Tchaikowsky/Pabst - Paraphrase on "Sleeping Beauty" op.66 - YouTube
Paul Pabst was a child prodigy, first performing in public at age 11. He studied with Rubinstein and Liszt, and by 1878 he was appointed to the staff at the ...
Spéos presents the house of the FIRST Photo, Musée Nicephore Niepce, 2007 (version française) - YouTube
Musée de la Photographie Speos Paris Photographic Institute vous presente un film de 11 min sur la Maison Nicephore Niepce. Ce film presente en avant premier...
Seth Lloyd on Quantum Life - YouTube
Big Ideas presents Seth Lloyd of the Massachusetts Institute for Technology on Quantum Life, how organisms have evolved to make use of quantum effects.
Kathy Sampson - A Good Friend (Kommissar Rex) - YouTube
Kathy Sampson - A Good Friend Turn me has the running pain Come to soul much more than to feel Where the someone there for you Love is know war toward to I a...