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Beardmore Inverness flying boat - YouTube
1928. William Beardmore and Co. built the Inverness all metal monoplane flying boat under a Rohrbach license. Based on the Inflexible bomber design, it was a...
Sprengung 116 Meter Hochhaus (AfE-Turm) in Frankfurt am 02.02.2014 - Full HD, Zeitlupe & Opferkamera - YouTube
Am 02.02.2014 wurde um 10:04 Uhr der AfE-Turm in Frankfurt gesprengt. 950 kg Sprengstoff waren nötig, um das 1972 erbaute Gebäude zum Einsturz zu bringen. Es...
U.S. Plane crashes at French Air show 1965 Newsreel PublicDomainFootage.com - YouTube
"Like" us on Facebook.com/PublicDomainFootage 2:04 newsreel. US plance crashes at International airs how in France. This is a low-resolution sample. Watermar...
Sprengung Kraftwerk Amalie 01.03.2008 - YouTube
Am 01.03.2008 wurde das Kraftwerk Amalie in Essen Altendorf gesprengt.
Silver Swallows - Fouga Magister - In cockpit - YouTube
The Silver Swallows was the name of the air display team of the Irish Air Corps, active from 1986 to 1998. The team was equipped with four Fouga CM170 Magist...