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C64 Longplay - Jupiter Lander - YouTube
an c64 ingame video from the game "Jupiter Lander" The video is downloadable here http://www.archive.org/details/C64Gamevideoarchive001-JupiterLander
E.T. (Atari 2600) (How To Beat Home Video Games 2) - YouTube
Here's what the star of Universals hit movie looks like after making the change from the silver screen to the video screen How To Beat Home Video Games - Vol...
Bonaparte - When The Ship Is Thinking - YouTube
Die Band Bonaparte mit "When The Ship Is Thinking" vom Album "Sorry We're Open" (2012). 320 kBit/s Track: 01 Lyrics: (lyrics.wikia.com) We are fevered with t...
Her Majesty's SPIFFING - Launch Trailer | PS4 - YouTube
Embark on a galactic mission for the Queen of England in this modern, comedy adventure game. http://www.billygoat.tv Her Majesty's SPIFFING is a quaint graph...
Donkey Kong Country - SPEED RUN in 0:31:00 by tjp7154 - SDA (2012) - YouTube
Current best Single-segment (SS) on SDA. Download the run here - http://speeddemosarchive.com/demo.pl?DonkeyKongCountry_SS_031 Game page - http://speeddemosa...