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Category:Schöpfwerk Petershörn – Wikimedia Commons
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Pressemitteilung 11.12.2015 - Fraktion der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) im Stadtrat der Landeshauptstadt Dresden
11.12.2015 Maßlose linke Kostentreiberei bei der Flüchtlingsunterbringung Rot-grün-rot boxt doppelten Mietspiegel auf der Großenhainer Str. durch „Die linke Stadtratsmehrheit setzt …
Leichtathletik - Rekorde Frauen - 10000 m
Leichtathletik - 10000 m Frauen - Weltrekordentwicklung, Entwicklung der deutschen Rekorde, Die Besten aller Zeiten
Tourists in Space: A Practical Guide - Erik Seedhouse - Google Books
Forget Hawaii or the Mediterranean. Soon – very soon – you’ll be able to add a much more exotic stamp to your passport: space. How will you get there, what will the trip be like and how much training will you need? All you need to know is right here in…
Conspiracy Theories: A Critical Introduction - J. Byford - Google Books
Through a series of specific questions that cut to the core of conspiracism as a global social and cultural phenomenon this book deconstructs the logic and rhetoric of conspiracy theories and analyses the broader social and psychological factors that…
Conspiracy Theories: A Critical Introduction - J. Byford - Google Books
Through a series of specific questions that cut to the core of conspiracism as a global social and cultural phenomenon this book deconstructs the logic and rhetoric of conspiracy theories and analyses the broader social and psychological factors that…
The Amateur Astronomer - Patrick Moore - Google Books
any popular books upon astronomy have been written during the Mpast few years, but most of them cater either for the casual dabbler who is content to learn from the depths of his armchair or else for the serious amateur who already knows the main…
Conspiracy Theories: A Critical Introduction - J. Byford - Google Books
Through a series of specific questions that cut to the core of conspiracism as a global social and cultural phenomenon this book deconstructs the logic and rhetoric of conspiracy theories and analyses the broader social and psychological factors that…
Conspiracy Theories: A Critical Introduction - J. Byford - Google Books
Through a series of specific questions that cut to the core of conspiracism as a global social and cultural phenomenon this book deconstructs the logic and rhetoric of conspiracy theories and analyses the broader social and psychological factors that…
Hunting and Imaging Comets - Martin Mobberley - Google Books
For many astronomers, the holy grail of observation is to discover a comet, not least because comets always bear the name of their discoverer! Hunting and Imaging Comets was written for comet hunters and digital imagers who want to discover, rediscover,…