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Obstmade | eLexikon | Zoologie - Insekten - Schmetterlinge
Obstmade, s. Wickler...... [3 Wörter, 22 Zeichen] in Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 1888, Obstmade | eLexikon | Zoologie - Insekten - Schmetterlinge
10:23 Köln Homöopathie-"Überdosis" 2011 mit Mark Benecke (Cologne homoeopathy ten23) - YouTube
Homöopathie - Nichts drin, nichts dran. Fünf deutsche Städte haben an der internationalen 10:23 Kampagne teilgenommen. Hier der Bericht aus Köln. Part of the...
Since I Laid My Burden Down -- The Elders McIntorsh and Edwards' Sanctified Singers - YouTube
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'Over Fork Over' and the Clan Cunningham - YouTube
The 'Over Fork Over' motto of the Cunningham Earl's of Glencairn has at least four stated origins of which the 'Master of the King's Horses' is possibly the ...
Cinema Strange - The Red and Silver Fantastique and the Libretto of the Insipid Minstrel - YouTube
"In which an old street performer reminices on his career..." - The Red and Silver Fantastique and the Libretto of the Insipid Minstrel: One "I drag my right...
Members of the Berlin Philharmonic Horn Section: Q&A (Part 2) - YouTube
Sarah Willis and Stefan Dohr answer some more horn questions, this time for the Spanish horn blog www.TodoTrompa.blogspot.com on a day spent travelling to pe...
MEPhI Male Choir at IAEA (Jägerchor) - 2012 - YouTube
Performance of the Russian National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" Male Choir at the opening of IAEA 56th General Conference Scientific Forum (Vienna, A...
Engelbert Milde: Madonna, du bist schöner als der Sonnenschein - YouTube
Homocord B.1780, Matr. M 17688 (10.9.1925) Madonna, du bist schöner als der Sonnenschein - Serenade (Dr.Robert Katscher). Engelbert Milde mit Orchesterbeglei...
Cinema Strange - The Red and Silver Fantastique and the Libretto of the Insipid Minstrel - YouTube
"In which an old street performer reminices on his career..." - The Red and Silver Fantastique and the Libretto of the Insipid Minstrel: One "I drag my right...