8 Ergebnisse für: 108.584
Final Victory On Okinawa - Allies Invade Borneo (1945) - YouTube
National Archives and Records Administration - ARC 39071, LI 208-UN-164 - FINAL VICTORY ON OKINAWA--ALLIES INVADE BORNEO [ETC.] - DVD Copied by Thomas Gideon...
The Liberation Of Rome (1944) - YouTube
Reel 1, Gen. Montgomery and the British 8th Army land at Reggio Calabria. The Italian navy surrenders to the Allies. Gen. Mark Clark and the U.S. 5th Army la...
Hitler Mussolini Summit in Salzburg, May 1942 - YouTube
Chronicle of the May 1942 Summit between German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Italian Chief of Government Benito Mussolini in Salzburg. Images of Klessheim Cas...
1944-45 German Desperate Defense of Monte Belvedere - YouTube
http://digilander.libero.it/romanoarchives/ http://www.webalice.it/romanoarchives Italy, 1944-45. Montage of German and Allied color footage regarding the ba...
Nuremberg Case #9 Einsatzgruppen - YouTube
The "Einsatzgruppen Case" charged 23 defendants, who were officers of the SS Elite Guard and in charge of the extermination squads, with responsibility for t...
Die Deutsche Wochenschau (1944) - YouTube
Captured German War Film National Archives and Records Administration DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU, NO. 699 War Department. Military Intelligence Division. (08/2...
Funeral Pyres of Nazidom; Nation Hails V-E Day 1945/5/10 - YouTube
1) "Air views of Leipzig reveal it to be a city of skeleton buildings and rubble. Industrial Magdeburg has been gutted by dive bombers of the U.S. Tactical A...
Anlage HG 2010 Gesamtplan des Bundeshaushaltsplans 2010 Haushaltsgesetz 2010
Teil I Haushaltsübersicht Einnahmen Ausgaben Verpflichtungsermächtigungen und deren Fälligkeiten Flexibilisierte Ausgaben nach § 5 HG Teil II Finanzierungsübersicht Teil III Kreditfinanzierungsplan Gesamtplan Teil I