201 Ergebnisse für: uctv
Israeli Folk Dancing in Munich (Germany) - YouTube
Matti Goldschmidt with his beginners' class at the Jewish Community Centre in Munich, Germany. This clip was originally broadcast on July 19th, 2017, by the ...
Interview - Dr. Rainer Werning - History of North & South Korea - YouTube
Interview with Dr. Rainer Werning on some of the history of North and South Korea. Recorded in June 2003 in Seoul South Korea.
Juan de la Rubia Improvisación sobre Faust, de W. Murnau - YouTube
El organista Juan de la Rubia improvisa sobre la proyección de la película Faust, de Murnau (selección)
Yevgeny Yevtushenko Recites Babi Yar - YouTube
Yevgeny Yevtushenko recites his poem "Babi Yar" with music from Shostakovich Symphony No. 13. Kurt Masur & The New York Philharmonic. The Collected Works of ...
New Politics of Food Seminar - April 8, 2010 - Paarlberg - YouTube
Presentation by Robert Paarlberg at the IFPRI Policy Seminar, "The New Politics of Food and Farming" held April 8, 2010 in Washington DC.
Living at Waterside Plaza - YouTube
http://watersideplaza.com Interviews with residents of Waterside Plaza, the architecturally important housing complex that is the only residential property i...
Robert Heilbroner 1999 - YouTube
Robert Heilbroner dicusses Economics and his major book" The Worldly Philosophers"
John Cook and Marc Morano in Paris, 2015-12-09 - YouTube
Climate alarmist John Cook interviews climate skeptic Marc Morano. See discussion here: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/12/09/debate-between-john-cook-and-ma...
Ernst Busch - Entgegen dem kühlenden Morgen - YouTube
Entgegen dem kühlenden Morgen
Evolution Mensch Entstehung Kannibalismus Oscar Kiss Maerth - YouTube
Der Philosoph und Unternehmer Oscar Kiss Maerth spricht über seine Theorie wie der Mensch entstanden ist. Seinen Erkenntnissen zufolge begannen die Affen die...