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Petrolatum1,674 Ergebnisse für: petroleum
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Mono-Olefins: Chemistry and Technology - F. Asinger - Google Books
Mono-Olefins: Chemistry and Technology is a translation from the German and deals with the study of olefins from low ethylene to hexenes and olefins from the high hexenes to eicosenes. The book describes the gaseous or low-boiling olefins and the higher,…
Mono-Olefins: Chemistry and Technology - F. Asinger - Google Books
Mono-Olefins: Chemistry and Technology is a translation from the German and deals with the study of olefins from low ethylene to hexenes and olefins from the high hexenes to eicosenes. The book describes the gaseous or low-boiling olefins and the higher,…
From Oil to Gas and Beyond: A Review of the Trinidad and Tobago Model and ... - Google Books
From Oil to Gas and Beyond chronicles the history of the petroleum industry in Trinidad and Tobago and appraises major policy decisions impacting its economy. The book details the macroeconomic, commercial, and technical challenges faced by Trinidad and…
Handbook of Refinery Desulfurization - Nour Shafik El-Gendy, James G. Speight - Google Books
Handbook of Refinery Desulfurization describes the operation of the various desulfurization process units in a petroleum refinery. It also explains the processes that produce raw materials for the petrochemical industry. It illustrates all the possible…
Antike - Nicht-Elektrische Beleuchtung. Petroleum - Lampen / Benzinlampen / Kocher / Öfen..... kein Ankauf - kein Verkauf !
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Eskalation im Kaukasus: Georgische Truppen marschieren in Südossetien ein: Krieg ums kaspische Öl (
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- - Informationen rund um: Petroleum und Benzin betriebene Lampen, Kocher, Heizer.. - Kein Verkauf -kein Ankauf!
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Polyhydroxyalkanoates from Palm Oil: Biodegradable Plastics - Kumar Sudesh - Google Books
The environmental problems caused by petroleum-based plastic and plastic waste have led to an increasing demand for biobased and biodegradable plastics, such as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). These polyesters are synthesized from carbon sources, e.g. sugar…
Archäologie : Alte Ägypter balsamierten Mumien viel früher - WELT
Tücher, mit Harz getränkt, sollten weit früher die Verwesung von Toten stoppen als bisher angenommen: Die Ägypter vertrauten schon im 5. Jahrtausend vor Christus nicht mehr auf heißen Wüstensand.