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Language12,041 Ergebnisse für: languages
The Turkic Languages - Google Books
The Turkic languages are spoken today in a vast geographical area from the Balkans to the Arctic Ocean and from South Iran to China. There are currently twenty languages in the group, the most important being Turkish. This is the first reference book to…
Usbekistan: Parlamentswahlen ohne Opposition? | Fokus Osteuropa | Deutsche Welle | 01.10.2009,,4749696,00.html
Deutsche Welle: Fokus Osteuropa - News, Analysis and Service from Germany and Europe - in 30 Languages
Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe - Google Books
This is an authoritative reference guide to all the languages of Europe, covering nearly three hundred languages and language families. It focuses on extant languages but includes all languages known to have been spoken in Europe in the past. Speech…
A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World - Google Books
In part I of this volume, experts on various language areas provide surveys of word stress/accent systems of as many languages in 'their' part of the world as they could lay their hands on. No preconditions (theoretical or otherwise) were set, but the…
Programming Languages: An Active Learning Approach - Kent D. Lee - Google Books
Programming Languages: An Active Learning Approach introduces students to three programming paradigms: object-oriented/imperative languages using C++ and Ruby, functional languages using Standard ML, and logic programming using Prolog. This interactive…
Gefühle in der Geschichte - Zeitung Heute - Tagesspiegel
Ihr Forschungsgebiet verbindet Ute Frevert, Honorarprofessorin an der Freien Universität Berlin, mit dem Exzellenzcluster „Languages of Emotion“
Ob-Ugric Languages
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Formal Languages and Applications - Carlos Martin-Vide, Victor Mitrana - Google Books
Formal Languages and Applications provides a comprehensive study-aid and self-tutorial for graduates students and researchers. The main results and techniques are presented in an readily accessible manner and accompanied by many references and directions…
Principles of Programming Languages - Seema Kedar, Sanjay Thakare - Google Books
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Plutarch und die Sprachen: ein Beitrag zur Fremdsprachenproblematik in der ... - Anika Strobach - Google Books
A study which investigates how Plutarch coped with the other languages in his world, in particular, Latin.