92 Ergebnisse für: cisg

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    English summary: The purpose of this volume is to inform the reader about the approach taken in English law towards interest and usury in a cross-border context. Recent influences and developments triggered by Britain's membership in the E.C. as well as…

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    English summary: The purpose of this volume is to inform the reader about the approach taken in English law towards interest and usury in a cross-border context. Recent influences and developments triggered by Britain's membership in the E.C. as well as…

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    English summary: The purpose of this volume is to inform the reader about the approach taken in English law towards interest and usury in a cross-border context. Recent influences and developments triggered by Britain's membership in the E.C. as well as…

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    English summary: How strong is a verbal commitment? In order to answer this question, the value of the given word has to be measured against the different modes of revocation. In modern times particularly, consumer law has created various rights enabling…

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    Getty Images Deutschland. Finden Sie hochauflösende lizenzfreie Bilder, Bilder zur redaktionellen Verwendung, Vektorgrafiken, Videoclips und Musik zur Lizenzierung in der umfangreichsten Fotobibliothek online.

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    In der Weltgesellschaft überlagern sich zahlreiche Rechtsregimes. Kohärenz wird nur durch ein Rechtsverständnis zu erreichen sein, das Vorstellungen von staatlicher Souveränität, weltstaatlicher Universalität und radikaler Partikularität überwindet.

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